Scientific Sessions
Track 1 Climate Change Impacts
Adaptation and Mitigation
Climate and Environmental Modelling
Impacts of – Droughts, Forest Fires and Floods
Environmental Degradation and Remedy
Climate Change Impacts and Risks, including outbreak of soil and water borne diseases
Vulnerability and developing resilience to climate change
Societal impacts and Response to Climate Change
Challenges and opportunities in incorporating extreme events into climate models
Climate literacy
Track 2 Food Security & Sustainability
Food Security, Lifecycle and climate-change
Climate-Smart Agriculture Technologies
Minimizing Post Harvest Losses
Interventions to Improve Soil and Crop Productivity
Greenhouse Design and Optimization
Supply Chain Optimizations to Ensure Food Security
Global Warming, Agriculture and Food Security
Track 3 Water Resource Management
Water Pollution Control Strategies
Soil and Water Conservation
Advanced Modelling Tools and Techniques in Water Management
Smart Irrigation and Water Management
Low Impact Developments (LIDs) in Urban Environments
Renewable Energy Use in Desalination and Desalination techniques
Flood and Watershed Management
Track 4 Policies, Legislations and Society
Water policies on Water dimensions, security, and governance
Challenges and advancements in integrating various data sources
Agricultural policies
Public awareness and education on food security and climate change
Regulations on climate change and food security
Climate actions
Submission Guidelines:
1. Paper Submission:
Submissions are only accepted through our online paper management system which is accessible through the following link: WFCC 2025
Please adhere to the submission guidelines and template.
Authors have the option to select either an oral presentation or a poster presentation, however, the Scientific Committee reserves the right to make the final decision concerning the form of presentation.
2. Notification of Acceptance:
Authors will be notified of paper acceptance.
3. Oral and Poster Presentation Guidelines
Please carefully review and download the Oral and Poster Presentation Guidelines here
You will be required to upload your file on the Ex Ordo Platform.
Please use the below templates:
Publication Opportunities:
Papers presented at the conference will be converted to book chapter and published with world's leading peer-reviewed book series on matters related to climate change Springer Nature's Climate Change Management Series (Indexed in SCOPUS, Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals and Series, SCImago) - Springer International Publishing, Springer Nature Switzerland AG (Publisher).
The book will be Double blind peer-reviewed, published in Springer International Publishing, Springer Nature Switzerland AG (Publisher)
Free Book Publication Fees for Authors
Each corresponding author will receive one complimentary E-copy.
Worldwide circulation through Springer website and each chapter Indexed in Scopus. Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals and Series, SCImago.
To assist with your submission, use the provided template, if needed. Template