Mr. Neeshad V. Shafi
Environmental Activist
Arab Youth Climate Movement Qatar
Neeshad is an Environmentalist, Speaker and Social Change Advocate. He was distinguished as one of the ‘World’s 100 Most Influential People in Climate Policy 2019’ by Apolitical.
Neeshad holds a master’s degree in Energy and Environmental Engineering and based in Doha, Qatar. He has over 5 years of experience in analyzing Global Environmental Politics and Climate Policies with a special focus on the Middle East. An active member of several global environmental youth groups and contributed actively in international summits notably United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) negotiations at Conferences of Parties COP21, COP22, COP24, COP25, World Economic Forum (WEF) Davos 2019, World Economic Forum Middle East 2019, Global Landscapes Forum Bonn 2019 and UN Youth Climate Summit in 2019 in New York.